Feel like FamilyDo you ever wonder why it is so easy to connect with some people, but like pulling teeth with others? Think about the special connections in your life and how they make you feel. What if you could have that same level of connection with anybody, anytime, anywhere? How would that change the way you experience life?In Unlock Your Connection: Feel like Family, the third installment in the Unlock Your Leadership series of books, Joe Kwon the Connection Counselor reveals the universal principles that create, sustain, and deepen your connections with others. This practical guide provides the insights that will help you take all your connections to the next level, such as:The Connection CodeThe 4 Horsemen of the Connection ApocalypseThe 5 Principles of FlowA surefire way to tell when your attempts to connect are workingThe ultimate connection principle, which powers all other connection principlesIf you enjoy business books that are easy to read, and packed with a good mix of stories and eye-opening insights, then this book is for you. If you are looking for tons of research, complicated methodologies, or more tired self-help to-do lists, you won't find them here.By the end of this book, which is equally helpful to both men and women, recent graduates and seasoned professionals, you will have everything you need to increase your ability to make new connections, improve existing ones, and finally live a happier, healthier, more connected life.Training: The accompanying workbook for this title is available at connectioncounselor.com/freestuff