Breaking new ground in research on temporary organizations, thisvolume of Research in the Sociology of Organizations brings togetherpapers that examine how temporary organizations navigate the tensions and dealwith the paradoxes that are the consequences of temporal limitation. This volume explores diverse forms of temporary organizationsincluding: animation festivals, cultural celebrations, unconferences, start-upaccelerators, humanitarian emergency response, strategic initiatives, projectsand megaprojects, project portfolios and networks of projects. This volume uses3 key questions to unify this empirical diversity:1. The paceand rhythm of temporary organizing: how do conflicting temporal norms shapework and life in temporary organizations? 2. What arethe tactics and practices that temporary organizations develop when dealingwith the tensions and paradoxes they confront? 3. Whenrelying for resources and working on behalf of permanent organizations, how dotemporary organizations deal with the tensions between attachment to, anddetachment from, permanent organizations.